Areas of expertise

Local governance and community security

For a long time, support from technical and financial partners in terms of security was focused on strengthening the way institutions functioned at a central level, with the expectation that this would have an impact at the local level. Coginta, for its part, intends to focus on inclusive and decentralised actions, as close to the field as possible and in contact with communities, with the objective of bringing together the security forces and local players (administrative authorities, religious leaders, traditional chieftains, members of civil society, etc.) as part of an approach aimed at co-producing security.

Depending on the context, this methodology specifically includes strengthening the territorial administration and local security governance bodies, conducting local security diagnostics, introducing community-oriented policing and initiatives to bring the security forces closer to the people. This can also mean promoting traditional and customary methods of social regulation, which are often better able to meet the needs and expectations of the local population.

Access to justice and protection of human rights

Protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms is at the heart of Coginta's mandate. This is reflected in various forms, including strengthening mechanisms and measures to prevent, mitigate and remedy human rights violations that may be committed by the security forces. It also involves supporting specialised bodies, such as national human rights commissions, or civil society organisations to strengthen citizens' access to justice.

This way, Coginta supports the creation of legal aid clinics and justice centres, which provide support for the most vulnerable sections of the population through legal and judicial assistance, mediation and conciliation, and public rights awareness-raising and education campaigns. Coginta supports customary justice mechanisms and alternative dispute resolution methods as long as they do not hinder the fundamental rights of the person, particularly of the most vulnerable populations. Finally, Coginta provides high-level technical assistance aimed at strengthening the functioning of the penal chain and improving the performance of judicial and penitentiary institutions.

Fight against impunity and corruption

Coginta works alongside its partners to promote integrity, ethics and professional conduct within the defence and security forces, and to fight all forms of impunity, in particular by supporting the military justice system or the control and inspection authorities. More generally, Coginta's actions aim to strengthen civilian, democratic and parliamentary control of the security forces. Training courses and consultancy missions are therefore conducted for the media, independent journalists, civil society organisations and members of parliament to raise awareness of their role in terms of external control. Outreach activities are also conducted among the population to promote the rule of law and to raise awareness about the roles, responsibilities and duties of the defence and security forces. Coginta, for its part, ensures that its own staff also adopts exemplary behaviour.

Fight against transnational organized crime

Coginta supports the implementation of policies and initiatives that help the States to effectively fight transnational organised crime, especially in areas of particular concern such as the proliferation and illicit trafficking of small arms and light weapons, human trafficking and trafficking of counterfeit medicines. Coginta offers technical assistance in strengthening legal and regulatory frameworks, as well as specialised training, while also working with local communities and in partnership with civil society organisations. Awareness and prevention campaigns targeting the general public are also being implemented in this regard.

Prevention of radicalization and violent extremism

Coginta supports countries faced with terrorism and violent extremism by proposing actions aimed at strengthening the actors in the criminal justice chain so that judicial police operations can take place in compliance with human rights and the legal standards in force. These can be initiatives directed at the armed forces (deployed on national territory due to the high level of threat and acting as first responders), internal security forces (protecting the population and conducting investigations) or specialised judicial centres (in charge of the criminal justice response). This support consists of initiatives such as training, providing specialised equipment and building appropriate infrastructures. Coginta also acts at the community level through prevention initiatives in collaboration with the administrative authorities, youth and women's associations, chiefdoms and religious leaders.

Environmental protection and prevention
of conflicts relating to natural resources

The challenges involved in preventing, managing and resolving conflicts caused by climate change and the difficulties in accessing natural resources are key issues for peace and stability. With these issues in mind, Coginta has set up a centre of expertise in land conflict management, securing pastoral mobility and transhumance corridors, capacity-building in natural resource management and conflict prevention, and support for security institutions responsible for safeguarding natural resources and public safety (environmental police, forest rangers, nature conservationists, nomadic rangers and meharist units, etc.).

Public safety in mining areas

The recent development of small-scale mining activity, particularly gold mining, in many countries that are also facing growing security threats, has led Coginta to develop a centre of expertise and skills aimed at supporting governments in strengthening public security measures in these areas. There are two main reasons for this support.

First, to ensure that these natural resources are not captured by criminal groups, particularly in border areas that are more vulnerable due to their porous nature and poorly controlled migratory movements. Secondly, to create favourable security conditions for the emergence of responsible artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM), a source of economic development and job creation.

In addition, support is also provided to local consultation frameworks - under the supervision of the administrative authorities - and to mining cooperatives, with the aim of strengthening local mining governance. Awareness-raising campaigns are organised for local communities, and training is offered to artisanal miners. Coginta is also helping to strengthen the coexistence between small-scale and large-scale mines, which is often a source of conflict that criminal groups tend to want to take advantage of.

Safety in lake and river environments

Coginta provides advice and technical assistance in managing and securing river and lake areas, particularly in border regions. This can take the form of support for (or even the creation of) specialised units, the construction and equipment of nautical outposts, and the acquisition of resources suitable for surveillance and population protection missions in these areas. Both theoretical and practical training courses are conducted with the objective of professionalising personnel assigned to nautical units by preparing them for operations in hostile environments. This training specifically includes piloting, operational navigation, preparing for patrol and boat control missions, as well as rescue and assistance manoeuvres.

Fight against the proliferation of small arms and light weapons

Coginta supports the development of national policies and programs to help countries comply with their international commitments to fight the proliferation and illicit trafficking of SALW and their ammunition. This specifically includes technical assistance aimed at strengthening legal and regulatory frameworks, modernising procedures and methods for stockpile management, supporting marking campaigns, and also preventing armed violence, particularly through awareness-raising and prevention initiatives aimed at communities, civil society organisations and schools.

Civil protection and disaster risk management

Coginta supports the development of national risk and disaster management policies and the creation and organisation of national civil protection structures. This support also helps to improve the operational response of civil protection units, particularly through initial training (technical, theoretical and practical knowledge), specialised training (water rescue, road rescue, fire management, etc.), and by strengthening logistical and operational capacities. Faced with the growing challenges posed by the recurrence and intensity of natural disasters, pandemics, conflicts and galloping urbanisation in many countries, civil protection is an essential link in international cooperation.